How Do We Define and Measure Success? Amplifying What Really Matters.
Past Event

How Do We Define and Measure Success? Amplifying What Really Matters.

image description August 2, 2023 image description Online Webinar


About Joann

Joann Needleman, Success Strategist, Member of Clark Hill, Podcast Creator and Host, Regulatory Scrutinizer, Best Practice Advisor, Leading Expert of Compliance Practices, and Supporter of Everything that Financial Professionals Need to Know to Grow in Today’s Financial Industry Climate, all in Real-Life Language with a Great Sense of Humor is Leading The Webinar August 2nd.

Joann leads the firm Clark Hill, on all financial services deemed regulatory and compliance. This includes advising banks, financial institutions, and financial services entities on all regulatory compliance matters nationwide.

Joann prepares and represents these same financial institutions during state and federal supervisory examinations and regulatory investigations before agencies such as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Office of the Comptroller of Currency (OCC) as well as state financial services regulators and attorneys general.

A former member of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) Consumer Advisory Board, Joann provides her clients with useful strategies and common-sense solutions in order to prepare for areas of regulatory scrutiny.

Joann is the host of the podcast “Credit Ecosystem to Go: Curbside Thought Leadership for Financial Services.” Listen to recent episodes here.

Webinar Achievement Points:

  • Clarifying a Woman’s Definition of Success and Its Difference from Men.
  • How Success is Truly Defined Throughout a Woman’s Personal Career Journey.
  • Why Income Levels Never Define of Success for Women, or Who They Are.   
  • Building a Network of Women to Support and Uplift both Personal and Professional Lifestyle.
  • Assessing and Setting New Goals That are Bigger Than What You Think You Can Do, Alone.
  • Why You Cannot Grow, Alone. Confident Ways to Ask for Help.


Powerful Growth is Reaching out to Other Professionals.

How to Make This a Confident Go-To Habit.


How Women in The Debt Relief Industry are Equipping Women Leading Their Families Out from Debt.


How The Debt Relief Industry is Being Changed by More Women in Leading Roles.

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